Lex Nyra Private Limited is a “One Stop Shop” that meets all your requirements in the realms of Intellectual Property Matters and Science & Technology. Founded by Dr. Ramanathan Sankaran, an old-timer in the two realms, it is a Treasure House of Knowledge, where your Odyssey with a Competent and Trusted Partner begins. Clients can count on Lex Nyra to provide Advice, Counselling, Guidance, Services, and Solutions that are State-of-the Art, Cost-effective, Exceptional, First-Time-Right, Innovative and Precise. There are no Jurisdictional Limits and Lex Nyra endeavours to serve Clients from the length and breadth of the Universe.

Lex Nyra values relationships, both Professional and Personal that endears both to its Staff and Clients. It likes to Partner with Clients, helping them realise their Business, Research and other Goals, rather than being a mere Service Provider. It brings across the table a Partner who is Knowledgeable, Competent, Friendly, Reliable, Trustworthy and most important Stays Updated in the sphere of its Expertise.

Lex Nyra’s sphere of expertise are primarily Chemistry, Biology, Pharmaceuticals, Agrochemicals, Petrochemicals, Herbals, Natural Products, Nutraceuticals, Foods, Cosmetics, Personal Care, Medical Devices, Mechanical Devices, Engineering, Communications and Physics, but can cross the borders to encompass a wider area of Domains.

In the area of Intellectual Property Matters, there is little that Lex Nyra cannot handle and it can provide Clients everything that is possible in the IP sphere, for e.g., to name a few:

  • Accessing and Retrieval of all sorts of Information from Diverse Sources;
  • Conducting/Organizing Quality Patent Searches including Complex MARPAT Searches;
  • Product Identification/Selection;
  • Conceptualization of IP & Regulatory Strategies;
  • Strategies for First-To-Market Status/Early Market Entry;
  • Designing around “Bottleneck Patents”;
  • Drafting and Prosecution of Patent Applications;
  • Advice/Suggest Experiments and/or Generation of Data for Enhancing and Strengthening Patentability and Allowance/Grant of Applications;
  • Conducting Infringement Analysis for Products, Processes, Compositions, Uses, Technologies for various Territories/ Jurisdictions;
  • Preparing Strategies for Undertaking necessary Remedial Legal Measures in Various Jurisdictions in Anticipation of Potential Lawsuits in Launch of Products in such Jurisdictions;
  • Identification of Weaknesses in Third Party Patent Rights and Translation of such Weaknesses into New Research and Business Opportunities;
  • Facilitating Filing of Patent Oppositions, Revocations, Invalidations, Re-examinations;
  • Litigation Support;
  • Portfolio Development & Management;
  • In- and Out-Licensing of Technologies, Dossiers, Patents;
  • Due Diligence of Patent, Research and Manufacturing Portfolios/Documents etc.; and
  • “Customized” Services on any Domain/Aspect.

It would be an Odyssey for the Clients that commences and continues with Lex Nyra and they do not have to look elsewhere for their IP requirements.

Coming to Science & Technology, Lex Nyra can be of assistance right from Conceptualization of Research Projects to Research & Development and further into Commercialization of such Projects. Lex Nyra can furthermore assist its Clients in Protection of such Research endeavours through various facets of Intellectual Property Rights and thereafter enforcement of such Rights.

As its name suggests, Lex Nyra stands for Knowledge and Learning and can offer Mentorship, Coaching and Training for those interested in Intellectual Matters.

In an IP World Full of Ifs and Buts, we are a Firm Full of Clear Yes and No